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08 Mar 2010 12:11


Politics: Note to mainstream news bloggers: Get over your fear of linking

  • The fundamental problem with Kouwe was that when he saw good stories elsewhere, he felt the need to re-report them himself, rather than simply linking to what he had found, as any real blogger would do as a matter of course.
  • Reuters blogger Felix Salmon (who knows how to rock a pair of glasses) • Nailing the real problem with a lot of mainstream media blogs (but specifically regarding the situation of New York Times plagiarist Zachary Kouwe), which is that they’re link-phobic. Instead of having the guts to link to a story (out of fear of looking like he was behind the story), what Kouwe and other mainstream journalists do is find a story that needs to get on the blog, rewrite it and make it their own. Unfortunately for Kouwe, he left pieces of language from the other stories in his posts. Salmon puts his criticism like so: “If there’s a minor news story on a trustworthy wire service, and you think you need it on the blog, then link to it.” source

20 Sep 2009 10:15


Biz: We wish were were important enough bloggers to topple Ben Stein

  • It’s simply unconscionable for a newspaper of record to employ … someone who is surely making a vast amount of money by luring the unsuspecting into overpaying for a financial product they should under no circumstances buy.
  • Reuters financial blogger Felix Salmon • On Ben Stein, who was double-dipping by being a financial columnist for the New York Times AND doing ads for Salmon, who at the time of the comments claimed to have no influence, had been trashing on Stein’s column since 2007, but said that the commercial pushed it over the edge. But as a result of Salmon’s criticism, Stein WAS fired from the Times for the commercials. Score one for bloggers who think they have no influence. • source