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30 Jul 2009 09:56


Biz: Don’t cry for Exxon Mobil and their huge decrease in profit

  • 66% lower decline in profits for Exxon Mobil in the second quarter source

19 Jul 2009 15:34


Biz: Why Exxon is an evil, unbelievably greedy company

  • Over the years, Exxon Mobil has been making major profits at levels larger than most of the countries in the world. They’re No. 2 on Fortune’s Global 500. source
  • Over the last 17 years, after a deal that went sour, they’ve actively sabotaged oil fields in Texas, filling them with junk and plugging up wells with explosives. source
  • In response to all of this, the company could have to pay some $1 billion in fines to the state – which, considering, seems a bit like a slap on the wrist. source

30 Jan 2009 09:18


Biz: Well, at least the oil industry isn’t struggling, right, Exxon Mobil?

  • $45 billion in profits for Exxon Mobil in 2008; that’s a record source