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28 Mar 2009 17:08


U.S.: The erupting Mount Redoubt is making a pretty tall impression

  • 50,000 foot-high volcanic ash. Whoa. source

25 Feb 2009 21:12


U.S.: Jindal’s volcano remark: An erupting dramabomb

  • $140 million? Necessary? Uh, yeah, dude. Last night, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal made a critical comment about an appropriation in the stimulus bill for “volcano monitoring” during his rebuttal to President Obama’s speech. But locals near major volcanoes say the money is necessary to prepare for natural disasters – something critics say Jindal should know about, given his state’s recent history with Hurricane Katrina. Plus, the money would create jobs, one expert notes. Jindal isn’t backing down, though. source