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09 Aug 2010 21:40


Offbeat: Idiotic Krispy Kreme employee gives away the day’s revenue

  • $5,000 the amount of money a customer drove off with
  • zero the number of donuts the customer got source
  • » What the heck happened? To put it simply, the employee, unaware of the drop procedure the donut shop used, gave away the money, thinking they were donuts. Idiot.

24 Jan 2010 10:41


World: The power of tweets: Just ask this sleeping Toronto transit worker

A Twitpic of this napping Toronto transit worker led to anger about higher fares. The union’s response? It could’ve been a medical emergency. Hahah, WTF? source

21 Aug 2009 10:47


Tech: Steve Jobs’ attempt to stop employee poaching was “likely illegal”

  • Your proposal that we agree that neither company will hire the other’s employees, regardless of the individual’s desires, is not only wrong, it is likely illegal.
  • Former Palm CEO Ed Colligan • Reportedly in a 2007 message between himself and Apple CEO Steve Jobs, where Jobs was suggesting a deal that would prevent the companies from poaching one another’s talent. At the time, Jobs was likely smarting from the loss of Jon Rubinstein, a former Apple exec who helped create the iPod, left for Palm, helped create the Pre, and then became Palm’s CEO. The exchange is sure to spark the ire of the Department of Justice. • source

22 Apr 2009 22:22


Biz, U.S.: GM: What’s a good way to clear car inventory? Stop making cars.

  • 15 car plants will shut down for nine weeks later this summer. Wow, that just sucks. o_O source