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02 Nov 2010 09:44


U.S.: Today’s midterms already broke a pretty major record

  • 16 million early ballots already cast before the day started source
  • » And possibly an all-time record, too: The tally of early ballots looks to get very close to 2008’s record. Will it top it? Either way, it’s a record for a midterm election.

28 Oct 2010 11:00


Politics: Karl Rove, that ever-present plotter, is attacking Sarah Palin now

  • He says she lacks the “gravitas” to be president in 2012. Now, let’s admit it. There’s probably a few people who agree with this assessment completely. But this is Karl Rove, so you know that there’s probably more going on here. And of course, during his interview with the Daily Telegraph, he also stuck the dagger in: “With all due candour, appearing on your own reality show on the Discovery Channel, I am not certain how that fits in the American calculus of ‘that helps me see you in the Oval Office’.” Our take? Karl Rove gets no benefit from Tea Partiers getting more influence. And, well, let’s face it. Common sense (which we learned from Mr. Hanley in our AP Government class) dictates that if you’re running for political office, you need to appeal to the center to win elections. Karl gets that. The Tea Party, in some ways, fights this logic completely. source

15 Oct 2010 13:27


Politics, U.S.: The most unfortunate (yet hilarious) typo in politics

  • the green party candidate for Governor of Illinois is named “Rich Whitney.” However, due to a big mistake (or intentional shenanigans) on someone’s part, his name will be misspelled as “Rich Whitey” on some electronic voting machines – about half of them in predominantly African-American areas. What’s worse, election officials say it’s too late to correct the error. Whitney is contemplating legal action (rightfully so, if you ask us). source

08 Oct 2010 03:21


Politics: Parallels: Obama’s careening to midterms just like Ronald Reagan

  • reaganHaving inherited a recession and sporting a 10.4 percent jobless rate, the GOP managed to only lose 24 seats in the House and hold a 54-seat majority in the Senate during the 1982 midterms.
  • obama Under similar circumstances – and a much lower jobless rate – many analysts are predicting that Dems will lose the House and may lose the Senate come November. How about that for parallels? source

25 Sep 2010 12:36


World: In the UK, Labour elections a Miliband family affair

  • 50.65% the percentage Ed Miliband got in the final round of the Labour party vote for their new leader
  • 49.35% the percentage his loser brother, David, received; Ed gets to lead the party against David Cameron source

21 Sep 2010 10:51


Politics: Group: Tea party, GOP conspiring against Wisconsin voters

  • what A group called One Wisconsin Now claims that the state’s GOP and Tea Party plan to disenfranchise voters using a process called “voter caging.” They also claim to have proof of conspiracy in the form of audio.
  • how Basically, they claim that those involved will use a list of people whose mail was marked as undeliverable to prevent them from voting on election day and to create unbearably long lines. How true is this, anyway? source

20 Sep 2010 09:21


World: Swedish anti-Muslim party does well in elections

  • 5.7% of the vote for far-right anti-Muslim group source
  • » In the U.S., that percentage means you lose. But Sweden uses a parliamentary system. In Sweden, that means that they just won 20 seats in parliament, enough to affect the country’s balance of power. A harbinger of bad things?

18 Sep 2010 19:48


World: Afghan elections: Violence, low turnout

  • 14 deaths at today’s Parliamentary elections in Afghanistan
  • 450k security personal, both Afghani and international, sent to mitigate the violence
  • 3.6m votes cast, 2.4 million fewer than last year’s Presidential elections source

02 Sep 2010 13:44


Politics: Midterms: A scary historical trend for Democrats

  • six flips in control of the House of Representatives since WWII
  • 100% of the time, the Senate changed hands as well source

29 Aug 2010 12:10


Politics: Big GOP wins could cost Congress its pro-female momentum

  • 10 fewer female seats in Congress if the GOP wins big source