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04 Feb 2011 21:43


Tech: A Kindle + A Moleskine + An Etch-A-Sketch = The Noteslate

  • Take the advantages of the Kindle. Add writing. Take out the Internet. Make it like a Moleskine that’s perfect for notes. What do you get? If you answered “the coolest Etch-A-Sketch ever made,” you’re a little more than halfway there. (via Hacker News) source

08 Jan 2011 12:24


Tech: This is what color e-ink looks like, guys. Whaddya think?

So, here’s a shot of a color e-ink screen from a Chinese manufacturer who isn’t Amazon. Cool, but not super-high-contrast. Will Amazon eventually go for this, anyway? source

02 Mar 2009 10:17


Tech: Is the Amazon Kindle’s screen too fragile?

  • A reviewer thinks so. Jeff Reifman, who was attempting to review the New York Times reading experience on the Kindle 2, didn’t even get a day without a scratch (which apparently may have come from a candy bar wrapper?!), a scratch that Amazon seemed very hesitant to replace and probably won’t. Hmm, that doesn’t sound promising for a mass-market product. source
  • A reviewer thinks so. Jeff Reifman, who was attempting to review the New York Times reading experience on the Kindle 2, didn’t even get a day without a scratch (which apparently may have come from a candy bar wrapper?!), a scratch that Amazon seemed very hesitant to replace and probably won’t. Hmm, that doesn’t sound promising for a mass-market product.
  • Well, how does it read? Reifman’s experience with reading the Times was OK, but the interface had its quirks. Among other things, he kept wanting to scroll down, web-style, rather than turn the page like the Kindle’s designed for. Reifman also noted that buying a Kindle and a Kindle subscription to the Times was much cheaper than the paper version. source

28 Feb 2009 09:43


U.S.: Give Hearst credit. They’re trying out e-ink.

  • A newspaper-sized reader. Made by Hearst. The company has no history in the tech industry, but they do have a long history with newspapers and magazines. Word’s going around that the company will be selling its own Kindle that will be large enough for newspaper advertising dimensions. Will you be able to fold it in half? source