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31 Jul 2010 10:34


Politics: President Obama to Rep. Charlie Rangel: Drop Dead

  • I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served his constituents very well. But these allegations are very troubling. He’s somebody who’s at the end of his career. Eighty years old. I’m sure that what he wants is to be able to end his career with dignity. And my hope is that it happens.
  • President Barack Obama • Saying that Charlie Rangel should retire and just go away. The House ethics subcommittee has recommended a reprimand for Rangel, which would be light compared to the censure and expulsion he could get. Still, though, Rangel won’t admit his guilt and as a result is making the situation much worse for himself. But if he’s so convinced of his innocence, should he quit? source

09 Apr 2010 21:14


Tech: Top Adobe guy to Apple: Drop dead. Then drop dead again.

  • We are not looking to abuse our loyal users and make them pawns for the sake of trying to hurt another company. What is clear is that Apple most definitely would do that sort of thing as is evidenced by their recent behavior.
  • Adobe platform evangelist Lee Brimelow • In a message regarding the whole Apple-blocking-Adobe-apps thing. While it’s made clear that it’s his opinion, not Adobe’s as a whole (the redacted sentence at the beginning is a nice touch), it’s no less effective at a screw-you to Apple. In fact, that’s how it ends: “Go screw yourself Apple.” Ouch. If this wasn’t an out-and-out war before … source