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14 Feb 2011 10:23


U.S.: Chandra Levy’s mom not 100% sure Ingmar Guandique killed her

  • To be honest, I always have that 5 percent of not being sure.
  • Susan Levy • Expressing doubts about the conviction of Ingmar Guandique – whether he was the dude who killed her daughter, Chandra Levy, a decade ago. This didn’t stop the elder Levy from calling Guandique “lower than a cockroach” and a “hideous creature” the other day, mind you. We understand Levy’s pain, and while we hope, for both their sakes, the right man was convicted, we can understand her doubts. This case has been a freaking mess ever since the name “Gary Condit” was tied to it all those years ago. source

11 Feb 2011 12:36


U.S.: Chandra Levy’s convicted killer sentenced, didn’t get life in prison

  • 60 years in prison for convicted killer Ingmar Guandique source

30 Dec 2010 10:08


World: Number of former Israeli presidents convicted of rape? One.

It’s good to note that Moshe Katsav, who was convicted of raping two former employees and harassing another, backed out of a plea deal to fight this in court. Bad idea. source