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14 Mar 2010 11:04


World: Jihad Jane not an isolated incident. Just ask Jamie Paulin-Ramirez.

  • He said that Christians will burn in hellfire. That’s what they are teaching this baby.
  • Christine Mott • Grandmother of a boy whose mother, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, fell in with an Islamic terrorist cell that was plotting to kill a Swedish cartoonist. Paulin-Ramirez, who’s from Colorado, was arrested in Ireland on Tuesday along with a bunch of other members of that group, which also included “Jihad Jane” among its membership. She was later released. When you’ve lost housewives from Colorado and precocious six-year-old boys to radical Islam, much is wrong with this world. source

13 Mar 2009 13:53


Biz, U.S.: Weekend at Bernie’s: How bad is Madoff’s cell, anyway?

Let’s put it this way. The culture shock is really, really high. And few will give him any remorse. source