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31 Jan 2010 23:42


Politics: Max Headroom: Paul Krugman has brass cajones, and then some

  • Owning the interview Scott Brown had a good chance to chill with Barbara Walters recently, and he does a really great job of coming off really smart in this interview – much smarter than Babs, in fact. The whole “big tent” thing should sit well with tea partiers, though. Heh heh.
  • A “deliberate” Rip New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, a pretty smart guy if you ask us, was also on ABC’s “This Week” and had a pretty amazing rip on Fox News, calling their handling of the health care debate “deliberate misinformation.” He says it right to Roger Ailes’ face.

  • Call it CandyLand John King of CNN’s Sunday show, “State of the Union,” is headed to the grind of weekday analysis. (And he’s taking his magic wall with him.) His replacement? Candy Crawley. She’s going to be the only female host of a Sunday talk show, which should be interesting.