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11 Oct 2011 10:03


U.S.: Occupy Boston: Scores arrested in turf war over what to occupy

  • 100+ protesters arrested in Boston early Tuesday source
  • » Why police acted: The protesters arrested Monday were in the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway, which officials say they don’t want protesters in because it recently underwent expensive renovations that would cost a lot to repair. Police did not move on nearby Dewey Square, where the protest originally began, and emphasized they wouldn’t. But that wasn’t enough for protesters. “From the beginning, occupiers have worked tirelessly to maintain a positive working relationship with city officials,” a statement from Occupy Boston organizers said. “Today’s threats by the Boston Police Department represent a sudden shift away from that dialogue.”

10 Oct 2011 10:24


U.S.: The person who caught Whitey Bulger? A former Icelandic beauty queen

  • plot Suspected Boston mobster Whitey Bulger managed to evade capture for decades. He was accused in at least 19 murders dating back to the 1970s.
  • capture It took police years to catch onto his scent again, and eventually they did … but only after using very targeted TV ads featuring images of his girlfriend.
  • twistThe person who sent in the tip that caught Bulger, finally? She just happened to be a former Miss Iceland. Because, hey, why not? She got a huge reward! source

01 Oct 2011 16:16


U.S.: Why the anti-Bank of America “Take Back Boston” protests worked so well

  • Much credit to these protesters: In some ways, these protests were arguably more effective in one quick burst than the Occupy Wall Street protests have been in one long, slow-moving one. With a specific target (Bank of America) and a specific reason (their overly harsh handling of foreclosures) the result is a protest that plays well for the cameras and effectively encapsulates the point of what’s going on. People got arrested, but they did peacefully. It took a while to draw some reaction from Occupy Wall Street; Bank of America was forced to dismiss the protests as a PR stunt right away. But the fact they had to say anything at all is a big deal. source

12 Sep 2011 08:26


Biz: The Boston Globe starts up its own Web site — wait, didn’t they have one?

  • We’ve never had The Boston Globe have its own front door in the digital space. It’s always been integrated with This was an opportunity to build something brand-new and to have it front and center and really do justice to the brand promise The Boston Globe offers to its readers.
  • Boston Globe publisher Christopher M. Mayer • On the paper’s launch of its own Web site this morning — a paywall-laden one that smartly separates the company’s newspaper content from content that might work better on the Web. is paywall-free and still serves breaking news, blogs and the whole bit. focuses on the newspaper itself. It’s an interesting separation and we’re curious to see how it works out for them. The Boston Globe’s parent, the New York Times Company, famously started up a successful paywall experiment for the mothership paper. (Quote from a paywall-laden article, but there’s free registration for the next couple weeks; the source article links to the free piece.) source

28 Aug 2011 20:25


U.S.: Hurricane Irene’s costs — both in human and monetary form

  • 19 deaths reported so far from Hurricane Irene source
  • » And damages in “the tens of billions”: With the storm largely past U.S. shores, now begins the tallying of damages. You’ve seen some examples of this already. But while it’s too soon to predict exactly what the final tally will be, in New Jersey, Chris Christie is already throwing a price tag on things. “I’ve got to imagine that the damage estimates are going to be in the billions of dollars, if not in the tens of billions of dollars,” he told “Meet the Press” this morning. These costs will largely be eaten by the federal government. The loss of human life, however, won’t be. Click the source link above. It’s a blow by blow of saddening proportions.

28 Aug 2011 10:51


U.S.: Hurricane Irene: It’s not all good news, but things are looking up

  • good Hurricane Irene is no longer a hurricane, but a tropical storm. It’s also passed by most of NYC, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia and DC. It’s mostly on land at this point and is moving much quicker than it was yesterday, so it will lose strength quickly. Whew, guys.
  • bad However, it left some bad stuff in its wake — flooding, millions without power, 11 deaths in four different states, and lots of small inconveniences that built up into one pretty big one. In the end, though, it’s less bad than it could’ve been. Fortunately. source

27 Aug 2011 13:50


U.S.: Update: Hurricane Irene, by the numbers (so far)

  • » The eye of the storm first hit land at 7:30 a.m. EST: With the storm still maintaining speed as it stays just of fthe coast, Irene could cause severe damage up and down the coast. Though a Category 1, it’s expected to remain a hurricane as it passes through the mid-Atlantic states and up to New England between now and Sunday.

26 Aug 2011 12:38


U.S.: Obama: Take precautions now, don’t wait for Hurricane Irene to show up

  • I cannot stress this highly enough. If you are in the projected path of this hurricane, you have to take precautions now. Don’t wait. Don’t delay.
  • President Barack Obama • Warning people about the danger of Hurricane Irene, which is likely to be the strongest hurricane the Northeast has seen in a few years. For what it’s worth, the storm — currently a Category 2 — will likely be a Category 1 when it hits the Northeast, so it won’t be a super-strong hurricane. Just a really big, slow-moving one that will remain strong hundreds of miles from the center. Amongst major metropolitan areas, it looks like the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area is about to face a strong hit from the storm. source

24 Aug 2011 11:03


U.S.: Hurricane Irene possibly about to ruin your weekend, East Coasters

  • Yeah, that’s possibly heading for DC, too: Days after the U.S. capitol felt an earthquake for probably the first time ever, they may just have to deal with a Category 2 hurricane. Hurricane Irene, which has been picking up steam for a few weeks days, looks most certain to hit North Carolina as a Category 3, and will likely go up the coast, possibly hitting such hurricane-prone locales as DC, NYC and Boston along the way. Hoping it’s just a brush, kids. source

25 Jun 2011 11:34


U.S.: James “Whitey” Bulger’s former enforcer: He’s got lots of dirt

  • There’s a hole dug with a big portfolio full of a lot of dirty public officials and maybe some dirty law enforcement officials that ‘Whitey’ Bulger has had for years, waiting for this day of his capture, so that he can use it for some sort of bargaining tool.
  • Eddie MacKenzie, a former enforcer for recently-arrested mobster James “Whitey” Bulger • Emphasizing that corrupt public officials could have something to lose with Bulger’s arrest. While he won’t name names — in part because it could put public officials (along with himself) in danger. MacKenzie notes that the former mobster was very dangerous in his day, but that his longtime girlfriend, Catherine Greig, may not be fully aware of Bulger’s past. “‘Whitey’ Bulger was very cunning — the Hannibal Lecter of South Boston,” he notes.  source