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24 Apr 2011 11:23


World: More in Chinese Easter arrests: Many others under house arrest

  • One of the deacons returned to his home last Friday afternoon and the police came to ask him if he planned to attend the Easter Sunday service. He said yes, so the police said from this moment, you cannot leave this house. I spoke to him an hour ago, and he was still not able to leave the house.
  • Shouwang Church member Kathy Lu • Describing what happened to one of the deacons before an attempted Easter service — authorities put him under house arrest. He and hundreds of others, in fact. But what’s absolutely bizarre is that while authorities arrested much of Shouwang Church’s congregation, the nearby Haidian Christian Church — which is state-sanctioned — was able to hold a service without any problems. The split emphasizes some big differences between the two churches — since Shouwang doesn’t tow to China’s regulations, it is “undergound” — a type of church that as many as 50 million Chinese people may take part in. We realize China has an atheist government and everything, but limiting this sort of free expression arbitrarily seems silly. source

01 Oct 2009 08:58


World: Happy 60th anniversary, China! Good luck celebrating, public!

  • If you live in Beijing, you’re under lockdown. The celebrations of China’s communist rule are apparently so awesome that they can’t have average citizens take part. “Police suggest that Beijing residents try not to go out on 1 October to avoid complications,” reported the official English-language China Daily newspaper. “The public is recommended to watch the celebrations live on TV.” Happy anniversary! source

26 Aug 2009 21:01


Biz, World: IKEA changed their fonts to reach Chinese *yawn* customers

Futura didn’t have an extended character set like Verdana does. How do the Chinese repay them? By loitering in their stores. source

10 Jan 2009 19:37


Offbeat: Here’s a general warning: Don’t be this stupid at the zoo

  • 3 mauling victims of Gu Gu, the cuddly-looking giant panda source