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24 Sep 2009 20:01


Politics: Kirk Cameron is an atheist-trashing anti-Darwin bag of crazy

  • Atheism has been on the rise for years now, and the Bible of the atheists is ‘The Origin of Species.’ We have a situation in our country where young people are entering college with a belief in God and exiting with that faith being stripped and shredded.
  • ’80s “Growing Pains” heartthrob Kirk Cameron • Discussing evolution and atheism. Cameron, who is (#^(^!@07(#^(# insane, has hatched a plan to discredit Charles Darwin in the eyes of college students. He and a bunch of other Christians plan to hand out copies of “Species” with a special 50-page introduction linking evolution to Nazisim and claiming that the scientist hated women. Cameron says it’s merely for equal time. “What we want to do is have student make an informed, educated decision before they chuck their faith.” Ten to one, they’re probably going to chuck the book and go to a house party. • source