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24 May 2010 20:28


Politics: Sarah Palin misses key fact in Nikki Haley scandal criticism

  • The blogger she lumped in with the liberal media? Conservative. And on Haley’s payroll. Look, we’re pretty skeptical of the claims of Will Folks due to the apparent traffic-courting nature of the admission, but let’s get something clear. FITSnews, the blog in question, isn’t a “liberal rag,” as Palin put it. The blog is listed as a conservative blog on the Washington Post Political Blog Network. In fact, in his admission of the scandal, he notes that he thinks Haley is the best candidate. Seems like Palin’s people either shot before steadying their aim or were trying to mis-represent the facts completely. source

04 Apr 2010 23:05


Politics: RNC hires guy with just the right rep to continue their finance fail

  • good The RNC realizes that people aren’t willing to put up with their wasteful strip-club spending, and hire a guy to watch over finances.
  • bad That guy, Neil S. Alpert, was fined $4,000 for improperly spending $37,670 that wasn’t his from two separate PACs. Oops. source