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28 May 2010 18:47


Politics: Oh boy: Rand Paul wants to punish illegal immigrants’ children

  • DUDE. Do you not remember what happened last week? Despite, well, the 14th Amendment, Paul thinks that denying citizenship to children of illegal immigrants is a good thing. “We shouldn’t provide an easy route to citizenship,” he said. “We’re the only country that I know that allows people to come in illegally, have a baby, and then that baby becomes a citizen. And I think that should stop.” It’s an amendment man, AN AMENDMENT. He’s already said things offensive towards blacks and latinos. Who’s next? source

08 Dec 2009 20:42


U.S.: The Senate isn’t playing by the House rules on abortion amendments

  • 54-45 over a longstanding wedge issue source

26 Jan 2009 10:30


U.S.: Russ Feingold: Senate appointments suck. Let’s kill them!

  • A new amendment Feingold, a beat-of-his-own-drummer Democratic Wisconsin senator noted for voting against the Patriot Act, has suggested that the recent New York and Illinois senate appointments have proven the idea to be antiquated. So, he plans to introduce an amendment later this week that ends senate appointments and replaces them with special elections. source
  • A new amendment Feingold, a beat-of-his-own-drummer Democratic Wisconsin senator noted for voting against the Patriot Act, has suggested that the recent New York and Illinois senate appointments have proven the idea to be antiquated. So, he plans to introduce an amendment later this week that ends senate appointments and replaces them with special elections.
  • “The will of the people” There is historic context to this, Feingold notes. “In 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution gave the citizens of this country the power to finally elect their senators,” Feingold said in a press release. “They should have the same power in the case of unexpected mid-term vacancies, so that the Senate is as responsive as possible to the will of the people.” source