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06 Jan 2011 22:26


Politics: Santorum puts an end to questions of Palin’s qualifications

  • What does it mean to be qualified to be president? She is born in this country and she’s the right age. Those are the qualifications.
  • Rick Santorum • When asked if Sarah Palin is qualified to be President. The former Senator brings up a valid point, and yeah, it’s silly for us to keep asking if she’s qualified. However, keep in mind his motivations: Santorum is widely seen to be considering a run for President himself in 2012. Were he and Palin to both enter the race, they’d be directly competing for the social conservative vote, so it makes sense that he’d start subtly deriding her now. source

28 Dec 2010 21:31


Politics: Obama, Huckabee looking good, Palin failin’ in early 2012 poll

  • So, CNN just released this poll on the 2012 race. Because it’s never too early to talk about this sort of thing, right? Anyway, the big winner in this whole thing is Barack Obama. He’s doing better in this poll than he has at any point in the last nine months, suggesting that he’s still feeling the love from most Democrats, even if he does get labeled a weak, wimpy something-or-other. The loser? Sarah Palin. This poll just sucks for her. But it looks really good for Mike Huckabee and a couple other GOP candidates. The details:
  • 78% of Democrats want Obama to run again in 2012
  • 49% of Republicanswould vote for Sarah Palin as president in 2012
  • 18% the decline in that particular number from late 2008; uh-oh
  • 67% of Republicans would support Mike Huckabee in 2012 – more than any other GOP candidate
  • 59% of GOP kids would go for Mitt Romney in 2012, which is still pretty darn solid, guys
  • 54% of GOPers are okay with Newt Gingrich in 2012; we personally think he smells funny source
  • » Did the tax deal hurt Obama? In the short-term, it did, with 72 percent of self-described progressives approving of Obama after the deal, down from 79 percent before the deal. However, in the long-term, 85 percent of progressives would vote for Obama again, suggesting that the tax compromise thang is something he can bounce back from.

03 Dec 2010 17:41


Politics, U.S.: 2012: Pawlenty leads the pack in book sales

  • 12k Amazon users purchased Mitt Romney’s recent book, “No Apology”
  • 9k readers went for Newt Gingrich’s “To Save America” for their 2012 fix instead
  • 263k fans opted for Tim Pawlenty’s upcoming manifesto, “Courage to Stand” source

22 Nov 2010 21:06


Politics, U.S.: Who do bookies think will be the next President?

  • 50:1 odds of a Donald Trump presidency source
  • » Pundits, shmundits. If you want to know how people really think elections will turn out, best turn to the betting markets, where people actually pay a price for bad predictions. Chris Good at The Atlantic scoured three betting sites, and tallied the odds they gave various politicians of becoming the next POTUS. Obama is at the top at all three sites; bettors are split on whether Romney or Palin is the second most likely. Frankly, we’re skeptical of the inclusion of some names (is anybody really expecting Joe the Plumber to run for president?), but hey, it’s fun to see where people put their money.

18 Nov 2010 11:02


Politics: Never too early: Here’s the first round of 2012 presidency news

  • obvious Sarah Palin, whose last two years have essentially been a dry run for the presidency, says she could possibly beat Obama in 2012.
  • spiffy In recent days, there’s been talk of Michael Bloomberg and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough running together on a moderate ticket.
  • vain In recent weeks, Donald Trump has been making a stink about running in 2012, too. Thing is, he brings this up every presidential cycle.

14 Nov 2010 16:03


Politics: Alvin Greene presidential run catches allies by surprise

  • I am at a loss for words to describe this new development.
  • Phil Bailey, director of the South Carolina State Senate Democratic Caucus • In reaction to Alvin Greene’s proclamation that he’s “seriously considering” running for President in 2012. After a surprise win in the Democratic primary earlier this year, Greene gave a bunch of interesting interviews, but lost by 34 points in the general. Donna Warren, president of the consulting firm that handled Greene’s recent failed Senate bid, reacted to the news: “Was he kidding you? Oh, wow, he didn’t tell us about that.”   source

14 Oct 2010 19:08


Politics: GOP wants to bribe Haley Barbour into not running for President

  • tit National Republicans are urging Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS) not to run for President in 2012, as they doubt his electability.
  • tat In exchange, Barbour would score a sweet job – like Ambassador to London – if the eventual Republican nominee wins. source

25 Sep 2010 23:36


Politics: Party leadership supports Thune candidacy

  • I think he’s the complete package and is the kind of person who could conceivably go the distance in a race for the presidency…I hope that he will run and win.
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell • Discussing the national ambitions of Sen. John Thune of South Dakota. source

25 Sep 2010 23:20


Politics: Darkhorse candidate Thune will run in 2012

  • This could be the next President of the United States. You may not have heard of him, but Sen. John Thune of South Dakota has been floated for some time as a possible GOP candidate in 2012. Although he hasn’t been on people’s radar as much as, say, Romney or Palin, The Weekly Standard reported today that he’s decided to run. Thune is young, fresh, and pretty, and gets bonus GOP points for having unseated Tom Daschle in 2004. What he doesn’t have (yet) is name recognition. Nevertheless, 2012 just got a bit more interesting. source

17 Sep 2010 14:31


Politics: It looks like Palin’s running for prez

  • It has become very apparent to everyone on her staff that she is preparing to run for president.
  • A former Sarah Palin aide • On the half-term Governor’s national ambitions. The source also notes that her staff is now “writing speeches, preparing talking points, [and] picking congressmen to endorse.” In other news, we’ve started researching housing prices in Canada.  source