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06 Mar 2009 12:38


Biz: Ruth Madoff has a buttload of money separate from Bernard’s. Really?

  • $45 million amount Ruth has in bonds, which are “unrelated” to her husband’s massive alleged Ponzi scheme. Oh boy. source

22 Feb 2009 21:10


Biz, U.S.: CNBC’s Rick Santelli: He’s Internet famous now

  • 1.7 million Internet viewers can’t be wrong! Santelli, who went on a memorable (though polarizing) tirade against Obama’s foreclosure plan on Thursday, has drawn millions of viewers and a White House response to all that stuff he said. Press secretary Robert Gibbs bluntly proclaimed that Santelli “doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Which should be a compliment to him at this point. Who knows? He may get his Chicago Tea Party yet. source