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Posted on October 3, 2010 | tags


Politics: Max Headroom: In memoriam of Rick Sanchez, a really weird anchor

  • look, CNN’s covering it!Gotta love Howard Kurtz’s comment at the beginning here, mentioning how he had to tear up his programming plans to cover Rick Sanchez’s firing from CNN. Kurtz goes over the Rick’s history with the network, including that bit where our boy got tased.
  • Mr. Twitter himselfOK, while the often-showy Sanchez probably made a lot of mistakes on the air at CNN, one really good thing he did was basically own Twitter before any other major news personality tried. Here, he discusses his experience hosting the tweet-obsessed 2009 Shorty Awards.
  • Behind the scenesEver wonder how “Rick’s List” was made? Neither did we. But in case you were wondering how the low-rated CNN show was created, here’s a clip. As you can see, Rick wears a chef’s hat and says, “I’m a big guy. I can take it.” If that were true, he wouldn’t be in this mess.