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Posted on December 13, 2009 | tags


Politics: Max Headroom: Not even Barbara Walters can soft-pedal Glenn Beck

  • The Odd Couple Here’s that Alan Greenspan video we mentioned earlier. Our boy Al says a lot of smart stuff here, but the part that weirds us out is the fact that his sparring partner is crazy financial guy Jim Cramer. Great match, guys.

  • The Moderate Couple
    On “Face the Nation,” Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson were standing their ground for a health care option which gets rid of all the stuff that makes the health care bill desirable. These two guys are holding the bill back, liberal types.

  • The Vapid Couple
    Barbara Walters’ “10 Most Fascinating People” must’ve hit the bottom of the barrel this year, because Glenn Beck was on the list. Here’s the interview, and we must warn you: Glenn Beck still sounds like an idiot when he’s talking to Barbara Walters.