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Posted on November 23, 2009 | tags


Politics: Expert: The University of East Anglia blew the e-mail smear campaign

  • The UEA response has been frankly pathetic. It was informed by Real Climate of the hack on 17 November but only reacted two days later when journalists caught on to the story. It refused to confirm whether the emails were accurate or not and, for a long time, refused to comment at all.
  • Climate Outreach and Information Network founder George Marshall • Discussing the University of East Anglia’s weak response to the hacked e-mail controversy despite the fact that the e-mails don’t reveal any sort of conspiracy. He argues instead that it’s merely been integrated into longstanding skeptic opinions. “The speed with which the emails have been cut apart and fed into existing storylines is remarkable,” he notes. He also notes the timing is extremely suspect. source