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Posted on April 10, 2010 | tags


Politics: Contract With America: Let’s call tea partiers “bizarro hippies”

  • Last night, a reader of ours made an astute observation. The Tea Party movement is doing a lot of damage to the memory of the old-school Boston Tea Party, which defined the start of our country. And it’s gonna be tough to wipe the movement away from the history. So, here’s our Contract With America. Let’s call the Tea Party Movement the “bizarro hippie movement.”
  • why? Because, much like the protest movement of the late 1960s, bizarro hippies meet up en masse, drive around crazy buses and rage about politics. Except the exact, bizarro opposite.
  • usage Use it as a non-proper noun. Example of usage: “Did you hear those bizarro hippies talking about slaying the Porkulus at Perkins the other day? One was wearing a ‘Palin 2012’ hat.”
  • next? From this post forward, ShortFormBlog will only call the Tea Party Movement by this name. We feel that our name is a better fit that best represents the movement’s historical context.