Yeah, we know they only came out last year, but that’s a lifetime in the blog world. Remember about a year ago, when we first heard about the crapsterpiece that is Attack Attack!’s “Stick Stickly“? Jesus, it was awful. What’s up their sleeve now? “Sexual Man Chocolate,” which is, we #(!& you not, the name of the first single off of their self-titled second album, out in a little over a week. And yeah, it’s just as bad as “Stick Stickly.” No official video yet, though. We’re guessing they don’t want to screw it up again. Still, though, you have to, uh, respect their stance on their infamy: “Amidst the sensationalist reviews, mainstream news coverage, and viral video crazes, Attack Attack! would like to make one thing clear above all else; they’re definitely having more fun than you are right now.” Keep telling yourself that, guys. source