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Posted on November 15, 2010 | tags


Music, Tech: The long, winding road between Apple Inc. and Apple Corps

  • It’s been a very long time coming. The Beatles and Apple have been on each other’s bad side for so long that the rock legends’ appearance on the Apple Store is almost anticlimactic, and likely to be incredibly boring. But the WSJ’s reporting that it’s finally going to happen. We’d like to remind you all how this happened and the stakes that were involved.
  • 1967 The Beatles form their own company, Apple Corps, which they used mostly for their own music.
  • 1976 Two computer nerds and a third guy still kicking himself found Apple Computer. It’s a big hit.
  • 1978 One Apple sues the other, and they make a deal not to encroach on each other’s businesses.
  • 2003 Apple starts up its iTunes Music Store, causing another lawsuit, which they won back in 2006.
  • 2010 Reports come out suggesting that The Beatles will finally be on the iTunes store. Finally. source