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Posted on March 10, 2010 | tags


Biz: Forbes’ billionaires list isn’t just made of Carlos Slim and Bill Gates

  • Carlos Slim is on top this year. But look deeper. Forbes’ billionaires list, a cultural touchstone, usually only focuses on the top of the list, mainly because it makes a good headline. But Forbes has a TON of information about the billionaires on their list. Here are some of our favorite details from doing a little research:

A good year for rebounds

  • 1,011 billionaires are on this year’s list, which is way up from last year
  • 164 billionaires returned to the list after losing much of their value in 2008
  • 89 billionaires came from China, the largest non-U.S. total source

Extremes in rich bastards

  • youngest Mark Zuckerberg, who, at 25, has more money than you’ll ever dream of, with assets worth $4 billion. Just think how much he’d be worth if Facebook took the IPO plunge. Or actually, just sulk. source
  • oldest Fellow technology maven Walter Haefner is the real-life Mr. Burns at age 99. Except, instead of a nuclear plant, he owns 24 percent of information technology firm Computer Associates. source

Schadenfreude-worthy subject

  • Raj Rajaratnam is in big trouble. One of the guys who lost his billionaire club card, Rajaratnam’s hedge fund, Galleon Group, was caught in a major insider-trading scandal, which caused the fund to lose value quickly this past October, and as a result Rajaratnam is no longer a billionaire (and is probably going to prison!). source