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21 Jun 2011 14:33


U.S.: Are your fruits and veggies laden with tons of pesticides?

  • Remember when that confusing food pyramid went away, and a plate replaced it? That incredibly informative plate tells you that half your diet at least should consist of fruits and veggies — but a new study might make you think otherwise. The Environmental Working Group has compiled a list called the “Dirty Dozen” that includes the twelve fruits and vegetables laden with the most pesticides. While the report suggest eating anything from the “Dirty Dozen” might be harmful, other experts say the pesticide levels on those fruits aren’t dangerous. “So far, there’s not a lot of research to support these claims,” said Holly Herrington, a dietitian at Northwestern University. And we’re pretty sure an apple is healthier than a candy bar any day, too. source

21 Jun 2011 13:46


U.S.: Weeklong immigration crackdown yields significant results

  • 2,400+ number of convicted foreign nationals deported in a seven-day period during the “Cross Check” enforcement operation
  • 109,700 number of convicted foreign nationals deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the 2011 fiscal year source
  • » How authorities pulled it off: The “Cross Check” mission checked the records of people convicted of crimes like robbery, drug trafficking and aggravated assault to see if they were here illegally. If they were, officials deported the convicts. This does raise a few questions — such as how much authorities used racial profiling in this operation — but the silver lining is that the crackdown was at least targeted on a group. About 22 percent of those deported already had outstanding orders of deportation, by the way.

20 Jun 2011 15:17


World: Report: Mubarak is having major health problems

  • Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak might have stomach cancer. It’s not set in stone, but his defense lawyer says that there’s significant evidence that Mubarak, 83, might have the disease. He’s already been in the hospital for heart troubles, as well as surgery to have his gallbladder and part of his pancreas removed. He’s supposed to go on trial August 3 for killing the protesters who forced him to leave office — but his compounding health issues could put a major crimp in that. source

20 Jun 2011 14:41


Tech: Google’s back on the library-digitization tip — in a big way

  • 250,000 books going digital source
  • » These books predate you by centuries: Google is cooperating with the British Library in London to convert their 40 million pages worth of books from 1700-1870 into digital form. These ancient books are out of copyright, so Google won’t have the same issues they’ve had with earlier digitization efforts. This is all on Google’s dime, by the way: They’ve made similar deals with many other outlets — including Stanford and Harvard.

20 Jun 2011 14:23


U.S.: NY gay marriage bill to set a precedent about the issue

  • This is not about religion, this is about civil rights.
  • Sharon Baum, a protester for gay marriage in New York • Describing her take on the gay marriage situation. (Another take, from 80-year-old Ginny Winn: “If this passes, we will become Sodom and Gomorrah.”)Tension is growing as the bill to legalize gay marriage hits in a critical stage — one that requires at least some Republican support to make it happen. It’s a key battleground state for the gay rights movement: If gay marriage passes in New York, there’s a good chance it will set a precedent that other states will follow the Empire State’s lead. A large number of people on both sides of this bill have come forward to protest a decision that could go either way at this point. Keep an eye on this today, guys. source

17 Jun 2011 14:36


U.S.: Pentagon scare: Marine reservist claimed he had explosives

  • claim Someone left a car near the Pentagon early this morning, and authorities thought that it might have a bomb in it. When the owner, a lance corporal in the Marines, was found at the then-closed Arlington National Cemetery and questioned, he claimed that he had explosive material on him.
  • truth Yonathan Melaku, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Ethiopia, carried an unknown quantity of ammonium nitrate, a non-explosive chemical fertilizer often used in explosives, in his possession. While nothing was in his car, he possessed a notebook with al-Qaeda-related notes in it — scary stuff. source

17 Jun 2011 13:43


World: Yemen: Allies suggest injured president Saleh will return soon

  • Rebels in Yemen do not welcome this news. A few weeks ago, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh was badly injured and burned in an attack on his palace, forcing him to receive medical treatment in nearby Saudi Arabia — a situation which led to an interim leader and celebrations in the streets. But the celebrations might have been a little premature if there’s any truth to reports that Saleh will return to the country soon, having recovered significantly from his injuries. “He will return home after medical reports said he is getting better,” ruling party official Yasser al-Yamani explained. Protesters rallied in the wake of the news; as you might guess, they’re not ready to welcome him back. source

16 Jun 2011 13:53


Tech: Robin Williams is definitely a bigger Zelda fan than you

  • Robin Williams has been into Legend of Zelda since the ’80s. And in this new ad for the 3DS version of the Nintendo 64 classic Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (one of the best video games ever), Robin Williams is their poster boy. He’s a pretty big fan, apparently, and he has the proof. Check it out. source

16 Jun 2011 13:29


World: Fukushima: Worse than was initially reported?

  • Is Fukushima worse than we think? That’s what this story from Al Jazeera suggests. One example they offer up: When seawater gets poured on the still-hot reactors, it produces radioactive steam that’s blown everywhere — even as far as the west coast of the U.S. One former nuclear industry executive, Arnold Gundersen, even put it as such: “Fukushima is the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind.” Is he right? Worth a read. (Photo via Flickr user Jun Teramoto) source

15 Jun 2011 15:26


U.S.: Obama faces lawsuit over American role in Libya conflict

  • With regard to the war in Libya, we believe that the law was violated. We have asked the courts to move to protect the American people from the results of these illegal policies.
  • Rep. Dennis Kucinich • Expressing anger over the current military presence in Libya. He and a bipartisan group of representatives have brought a lawsuit against President Obama for foregoing Congress on Libya and, in the process, violating the War Powers Resolution, a law meant to stop the President from sending troops overseas without Congressional approval. Kucinich has backing from unlikely allies such as John Boehner and Ron Paul on this matter. Meanwhile, the White House disputes the lawsuit: “The president has acted in a manner that is consistent with the War Powers Resolution,” said Press Secretary Jay Carney. Definitely one to watch. source