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09 Jul 2011 14:09


Politics: Minnesota Dem: Republicans put “feet in cement” on compromise

  • Yes, both sides need to participate. When one side holds out or puts their feet in cement, how can a compromise ever be reached? That’s what we have now.
  • Minnesota State Sen. Barb Goodwin • Offering her take on the whole government shutdown situation, which has kept the doors closed on the state for over a week now. According to Goodwin, a Democrat, “the shutdown could have been avoided.  For ten weeks during session, Republican leaders put the budget on the back burner and dealt with social issues instead.” Goodwin claims that most of her constituents simply want to see the shutdown end, and support Gov. Mark Dayton’s proposals. (thanks @JohnNesssource

09 Jul 2011 13:38


U.S.: Freak roller coaster accident kills adversity-fighting Iraq War vet

  • A brave man’s story, cut short: Sgt. James Hackemer, an amputee who lost both his legs (and reportedly died twice on the battlefield, only to be revived) after an IED blew up under his Humvee in Iraq back in 2007, lived his life to the fullest despite his injuries, only to die — tragically — in a freak roller coaster accident yesterday. He fell 208 feet out of the Ride of Steel roller coaster, at the Darien Lake Theme Park Resort in New York, to his death. To lose so much, only to fight back to regain it day by painful day, only to have this happen? Life is messed up sometimes. Above is a clip reflecting on what this guy had to work for. source

09 Jul 2011 11:56


World: Rupert Murdoch’s son James liable in News of The World hack?

You would not believe the kind of migraine a long-term phone-hacking scandal causes. The younger Murdoch could face charges in both the U.S. and UK over the allegations. source

09 Jul 2011 11:08


World: Malaysian protesters defy roadblocks, barbed wire, tear gas, police

  • All in an effort to protest the regime: Is the Arab Spring spreading out of the Middle East and North Africa? Based on the nature of the protests in Malaysia, you have to wonder. Nearly 1,600 protesters were arrested, and a dozen people hurt, all in the wake of protests against Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government that officials went out of their way to prevent. The protests, which are pushing for electoral reform the opposition says is necessary, became strongly violent as Razak’s government showed its strength.”What is the necessity for a show of might against right?” asked opposition coalition leader Ambiga Sreenavasan. “No matter what, right will always prevail.” source

09 Jul 2011 10:34


U.S.: Leon Panetta: We’re close to taking out al-Qaeda for good

  • We’re within reach of strategically defeating al Qaeda and I’m hoping to be able to focus on that, working obviously with my prior agency as well.
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta • Claiming that we’re close to taking down al-Qaeda for good — which, let’s face it, is a pretty bold thing to say going into a job like Defense Secretary. “Now is the moment following what happened with bin Laden, to put maximum pressure on them,” he continued, “Because I do believe that if we continue this effort that we can really cripple al Qaeda as a threat to (the United States).” Do you think he’s right? Or is it simply a symbolic victory at this point? source