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30 Jan 2011 11:22


World: United States, Turkey, Iraq encourage citizens to leave Egypt ASAP

It’s certainly not under the best of circumstances, what with the protests and all. The U.S. had previously suggested avoiding travel to the country. This is a step further than that. source

30 Jan 2011 11:14


World: ElBaradei: Hosni Mubarak needs to “leave today and save the country”

  • I think this is a hopeless, desperate attempt by Mubarak to stay in power. I think it is loud and clear from everybody in Egypt that Mubarak has to leave today, and it is non-negotiable for every Egyptian.
  • Mohamed ElBaradei • Speaking on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” about the situation in Egypt. The Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has also been the head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog, has also offered to lead on a temporary basis if the Egyptian people want him to serve. source

30 Jan 2011 11:06


U.S., World: Hillary Clinton toughens her words on Egyptian situation

  • yeah … U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for Egypt to have an “orderly, peaceful transition” to a “real democracy,” which is much further than the Obama administration has gone so far during the crisis. Hopefully, they’ll go much further.
  • … but Clinton later dodged the military aid question: “We always are looking and reviewing our aid but right now we are trying to convey a message that is very clear, that we want to ensure there is no violence and no provocation that result in violence.” source