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11 Nov 2010 23:04


Culture, U.S.: Worst timing ever: Garfield cartoon appears to mock veterans

  • It was an accident. Jim Davis didn’t intend for this cartoon to be posted on Veterans Day. Unfortunately, it was, giving the unfortunate (and untrue) impression that Davis doesn’t respect (to put it lightly) the brave men and women who’ve fought for this country. He quickly posted an apology; “I had no idea when writing it that it would appear today,” Davis wrote on the Garfield site. Bad timing, but hey, at least it was a mistake. source

11 Nov 2010 22:53


Tech: Google/Facebook have lots of money to throw around

  • $3.5 million paid by Google to retain top engineer source
  • » Good engineers are in short supply. At least, that’s what we’re gleaning from the numbers being thrown at them by Google and Facebook. Earlier this year, a Google engineer turned down a 15% raise and $500,000 in cash restricted stock to go work for Facebook. So, Google smartened up: when another staff engineer was seduced by Facebook, Google offered them $3.5 million — yes, million — to stay. They accepted.

11 Nov 2010 22:29


Culture, Politics, U.S.: Republicans like happier television than Democrats

  • The big shows with mass appeal tend to have above-average scores…with higher concentrations of Republicans. [Democrats] seem to like shows about damaged people.
  • John Fetto, of Experian Simmons • Regarding the TV-watching habits of Democrats and Republicans. The media research company did a study on which shows are favored by which partisans. GOPers enjoyed shows like “American Idol,” “Modern Family” and “The Mentalist.” Democrats? “Mad Men,” “Dexter,” and “90120.” source

11 Nov 2010 21:58


Offbeat: Man gets shot, eats lunch, seeks help (in that order)

  • action A New Haven, CT man was shot in the groin shortly after purchasing a sandwich. He was shot twice, and the hospital was only a block away…
  • reaction …but the man was hungry! He went home, finished the sandwich, got a ride to the hospital, and recovered quickly (probably thanks to the sandwich). source

11 Nov 2010 21:42


Politics: Dennis Kucinich: Don’t try to expand Afghan War on MY watch

  • Expanding the timeline constitutes a de facto expansion of the war without Congressional approval.
  • Rep. Dennis Kucinich • On why he’s going to push for a vote on an end date for the Afghan War when Congress gets back in session in January. Obama reportedly plans to de-emphasize the July 2011 exit date and go with a more realistic 2014. This does not sit well with ol’ Denny boy, and he’s going to make sure the president knows it. But will the Republican House just go with the president on this one? (thanks stfuteabaggers)  source

11 Nov 2010 21:16


Tech: Apple I auctioned: Own a piece of computer history that Woz built

  • Are you the kind of person who doesn’t consider money an object? Did you solder your first computer together from a kit? Did you write your own operating system based on an article you read in BYTE Magazine way back in 1979? Did you parlay your nerdery into the kind of success that someone who is unfamiliar with the work of Raymond Feist could never even dream of? If so, this Christie’s auction is for you. It’s the original Apple I, and the auction starts off at a modest $160,000 – a few bucks more than its original $666.66 price. Have at it, nerd. source

11 Nov 2010 20:52


Politics: Three perks Nancy Pelosi will have to give up in January

  • one She’ll lose access to a ride home to San Francisco on a military plane, instead of flying coach like the rest of us.
  • two Her office budget – currently around $5.1 million – will cut by ten percent, and her staff of 50 will cut by nearly half.
  • three Her offices – currently in a plum location adjacent to the Capitol rotunda –will move to a much-less-sexy place. source

11 Nov 2010 16:03


Music: Don’t do it, man! Phil Collins thinks suicidal thoughts

  • I sometimes think I’m going to write this Phil Collins character out of the story. Phil Collins will just disappear or be murdered in some hotel bedroom, and people will say, ‘What happened to Phil?’ And the answer will be, ‘He got murdered, but, yeah, anyway, let’s carry on.’ That kind of thing.
  • Phil “our personal hero” Collins • Expressing suicidal thoughts in this month’s issue of Rolling Stone, out Friday. Dude, we love you. Your songs are our songs. You can’t do that to us! Sometimes we claim to love your songs ironically, but we know the truth. You’re our hero. Back in 1992, we unironically thought you were a God with an in-vis-a-ble touch-yah. And, against all odds, nothing will change that. Not even an entire album of overly-sappy songs for Disney like “You’ll Be In My Heart.” source

11 Nov 2010 13:31


Offbeat: Lithuanian protesters come up with innovative new protest sign

  • Need a new use for your iPad? Here you go. Steve Jobs is going to make a killing at the next Tea Party rally in DC. source

11 Nov 2010 11:20


Culture: First-day sales: Latest “Call of Duty” game brings home record bacon

  • $360
    the amount “Call of Duty: Black Ops” made in the U.S. and UK in its first day on store shelves; that’s a record for ANY entertainment platform
  • $310
    the amount last year’s “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” made in its first day; that’s a big jump for the Activision series source