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22 Jun 2010 10:17


22 Jun 2010 10:09


U.S.: Gen. Stanley McChrystal isn’t talking so big this morning, is he?

Look, general … can I call you Stan? You said some stupid crap to Rolling Stone that undermines my authority. Why shouldn’t I fire you? source

22 Jun 2010 00:29


Music: Rapper turns death rumors (lemons) into PR opportunity (lemonade)

  • All these rumors that I’ve been shot are phony just like half the rappers in the game. I’m still here, promoting my R.E.D. Album, so when it drops, go get it or else you might end up dead like me (laughs).
  • Rapper Game • Dispelling the rumors about his untimely demise and at the same time getting his new album a little much-needed publicity, which he hasn’t had a lot of lately, because he’s Game (formerly “The Game,” which was way cooler). For a period today, “the game dies in shooting” was the top trend on Google, giving the rapper an opportunity to live to see some of that Tupac money. source