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Posted on May 11, 2011 | tags


World: Uganda’s anti-gay bill may be moving forward soon

  • Uganda’s anti-gay bill still exists, everyone: The legislation, authored by MP David Bahati, originally imposed the death penalty for people found guilty of “serial” homosexuality (it’s been reported that this penalty has now been removed from the bill), as well as prison sentences for first-time offenders, and heterosexuals who know of a gay person but don’t report it (presumably still in full swing). It’s self-evidently vile, evil, and has no place whatsoever in a civil society. There were reports last night that officials would vote on the bill today, but it’s not on the docket; the AP is reporting that the bill may come up for debate on Friday. source
  • The political connection David Bahati is a member of “The Family,” (though he was dis-invited from their last National Prayer Breakfast, a D.C. staple) a secretive religious brotherhood which counts many U.S. politicians as members — Republican Senators Tom Coburn and Jim DeMint, and Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, for a few high-profile examples.
  • Living in Bahati’s world David Bahati had claimed that he would remove the death penalty from the bill, and it’s been alleged that’s happened. Don’t presume a change of heart, though. Journalist Jeff Sharlet, who authored two exceptional books about “The Family,” claims Bahati told him his true ideal very plainly: “to kill every last gay person.”
  • The climate in Uganda Uganda is a pretty harrowing place for gays. Homophobia is rampant throughout Uganda, often hinged on wild, sinister claims about homosexuals stealing away children. It was in this climate that Uganda’s only prominent gay activist, David Kato, was brutally murdered with a hammer in his home, earlier this year. source