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Posted on February 27, 2009 | tags


Tech, World: The iPhone’s sales suck in Japan so much, it’s being given away

  • It’s not full-featured enough Japanese consumers are a picky bunch when it comes to their phones, and as neat as the iPhone is to the rest of the world, the phone is missing a number of key things – a high-quality video camera, a TV tuner and multimedia messaging. source
  • It’s not full-featured enough Japanese consumers are a picky bunch when it comes to their phones, and as neat as the iPhone is to the rest of the world, the phone is missing a number of key things – a high-quality video camera, a TV tuner and multimedia messaging.
  • The plans suck The big problem many consumers in Japan have with the iPhone is not its design – which the Japanese don’t like either – but the cost. The monthly plans start at $60, which is high. They recently started giving the phones away with a two-year plan. Oof. source