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Posted on December 5, 2010 | tags


U.S.: “Why Sam, why?” Marinette, Wisconsin mourns student in standoff

  • Sam, you are in good hands now. Someday when we meet again, you can tell me what happened.
  • Marinette, Wisconsin resident Jon Hengel • Expressing grief towards his son Sam, who held a classroom hostage last week and ended up shooting himself to death. Sam’s memorial service was today, and hundreds of mourners found themselves at Marinette High School staring at one of his favorite things in the world – a campground, complete with trees, a tent, a canoe and even a fake campfire. The younger Hengel, who was the only person hurt during the six-hour standoff, left behind more questions than answers, sadly. “This is not about Sam’s sin. This is about the world’s sin,” said the Rev. Nick Johannes, a local Lutheran pastor who presided over the somber ceremony. “Something has gone terribly wrong.” source