- Have to say… we just checked out The Daily. Honestly didn’t expect to be as impressed with it as we were. Visually, it’s stunning … some rough edges, but it makes the Wired app look like last year’s model. The modular masthead on the front page is creative. And the sheer density of the content is just insane. There is enough here to keep you reading for an hour. The editorial sensibility is very New York Post, though with a much softer and more beautiful edge. The Post snarkiness shows up in the briefs and the gossip page more than the main stories. It’s definitely a Murdoch pub. One feature of note: There’s a “By The Numbers” page that kinda reminds us of this site a little. The daily furniture is beautiful. There are share functions so it’s not closed off to the web. But more than anything, you get the overwhelming feeling of disbelief that you get all this stuff for 99 cents a week – and that’s a feeling that’s been missing from a lot of journalism lately. Will be interesting to see how others respond. source
Posted by Ernie Smith •