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Posted on April 11, 2011 | tags


Tech: Dear Steve Jobs: Please reconsider your biography writer choice

  • So what Steve, are we chopped liver? We don’t know of any bigger Apple fanbois than us and … and … you didn’t even bother to call us to see if we were interested in doing an authorized biography? Who is this Walter Isaacson dude, anyway? Just some assclown with a name designed to be on the cover of a book? Just because he was the CEO of some two-bit operation named CNN doesn’t mean that he’s worth your time. We’re really upset about this. You should have called us, Steve. Now we’re going to write an unauthorized biography about you. It’s going to be called “iPusher: Steve Jobs and Apple’s legion of designer drug addicts.” Don’t like that title, Steve? Well, maybe you should’ve thought about that before working with Wal-TERsource