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08 Aug 2011 22:21


Tech: CyFi: 10-year-old girl pretends to be a hacker at DefCon

  • Everyone’s a hacker with sunglasses: This anonymous girl figured out that she can turn off the wi-fi and change the time on her phone, allowing her to cheat on numerous timing-based Farmville-style games on the iPhone and Android. Now, after she puts on these glasses and attends DefCon, CyFi is suddenly a “hacker.” And suddenly this trick, which has been around since the days of Commander Keen, is a “zero-day exploit.” Kevin Mitnick is currently rolling in his dusty 286 Compaq. source

17 Feb 2010 10:27


Tech: Don’t open that doc: PDFs proving to be a major security problem

  • PDF exploits are usually the first ones attempted by attackers. Attackers are choosing PDFs for a reason. It’s not random. They’re establishing a preference for Reader exploits.
  • ScanSafe senior security researcher Mary Landesman • Regarding the preference of hackers to use rogue PDFs for exploits first on malicious Web sites, then other exploits if those don’t work. Landesman claims that 80 percent of all exploits in the fourth quarter of 2009 came from PDFs, which is really scary, especially since the format is so heavily-used. “PDF use is huge,” she said. So are zero-day exploits. source