24more suspect packages currently getting analyzed in Yemen source
» About the suspects: Two Yemeni women, 22-year old Hanan al-Samawi and her 45-year-old mother, have reportedly been arrested for the incident. Also, bombmaker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, whose handiwork first came to everyone’s attention thanks to the Underwear Bomber, is also considered a suspect in the latest incident. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, planes from Yemen can’t directly enter the U.S. in the wake of the Underwear Bomber incident. Which is why the suspicious device was caught in London instead of Chicago.
Scared of your own shadow yet? Today might be the day to start freaking out. Whew … a lot has happened since our last post. First of all, above is the suspicious device that CNN managed to get photos of as an exclusive. It apparently had some sort of weird powder on it. Next up, the U.S. is keeping an eye on a Emirates Air flight from Yemen that’s supposed to be landing in NYC any minute now. (Update: Just landed. No word on what’s up yet.) While they have no proof that the plane might have some blowy-uppy stuff on it, now is not the time to take chances. Finally, Chicago synogagues have been warned to keep an eye out for crazy crap on their doorsteps, because we don’t want people to get hurt or anything. Holy crap. Hope this doesn’t get any worse or we’re gonna have to get rid of the “Freakout Friday” slogan. source
There are limits to outside engagement, and there has to be an enormous amount of local buy-in for this work.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Johnnie Carson • Regarding the off-in-the-distance assistance the country is giving the Somalian government in re-capturing Mogadishu, its capital, block by anarchy-ridden block. Why now? Simple. The U.S. is scared about the anarchic country’s increasing ties to Yemen and al-Qaeda. (Oh, and the pirates.) But they’re trying to help in a way that doesn’t bring back memories of the U.S.’ 1994 retreat from the country, which led to the anarchic state of affairs in the first place. “This is not an American offensive,” Carson said. “The U.S. military is not on the ground in Somalia. Full stop.” source
Yemen has its own short-term and long-term schemes to tackle terrorists anywhere in the republic that only call for intelligence and information coordination with other countries.
Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr Qirbi • Speaking to a government-run newspaper on his country’s plans for fighting terror. They claim the threat is exaggerated. In other news, exaggeration means something different than it did before, according to the Yemeni government. source