World: Chilean miners: Here’s the bill, and here are the winners
- $20 million cost, but goddamn, that was some good TV
- » So, who pays the bill? Well, you would assume the mining company that owned the mine, San Esteban Primera, but they’re nearly broke. So state-owned company Codelco has owned the effort, paying $15 million of the total cost, with private firms paying the rest. Expect lawsuits and criminal charges.
And here are the big winners:
- 3.4 million number of viewers CNN got in the first hour of the rescue
- 7 million number of viewers Fox News got in the final hour of the mining escapade
- 4M pageviews per minute on news sites at the peak of the mining incident
- $7,000 worth of sunglasses given away to the miners by Oakley
- $41Mthe amount of free advertising Oakley got in the process source