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09 Dec 2010 10:19


World: Anti-Corruption Day Study: People bribe other people a lot

Transparency International says that one in four people worldwide paid bribes to people for public services. We do this all the time! It’s fun! source

26 Oct 2010 09:34


World: Highlights from Transparency International’s 2010 Corruption Index

  • 1st is Denmark, which suggests that very little is rotten there
  • 22nd is the U.S., which fell out of the top 20 due to the financial crisis
  • 78th is China, which may not like Google but is less corrupt than you think
  • 146th is Iran; they’re tied with Libya (both are too high on this list, honestly)
  • 154th is Russia, which makes a lot of sense if you know Russia
  • 164th is Venezuela, which at least has a fan in Oliver Stone, right?
  • 172nd is Sudan, which has Darfur and child soldiers to answer for
  • 175th is Iraq, what with their undecided election and everything
  • 176th is Afghanistan, what with their bags of money and everything
  • last is Somalia, which makes lots of sense considering it’s Somalia source

17 Nov 2009 20:43


World: Daily poll: Like corruption? Vote for the most corrupt country!

  • First, we apologize for the late poll. Today was a slow news day and there wasn’t a lot of really pollworthy stuff. Anyway, today, Transparency International released its Corruption Perceptions Index for 2009, which is a survey of the most corrupt countries in the world. The top five are fairly obvious, if you follow the news. But what are we if not people who offer you the opportunity to vote?! So vote for the country you think is most corrupt. We left an option open for you to pick your own country. So go for it, kids.source