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17 Dec 2010 14:12


Tech: Word Lens translation app really awesome, “points very anus”

  • As a follow to our reblog on Tumblr, it might be good to note that real-time language-translating app Word Lens, while good, isn’t perfect. In fact, it’s points very anus. Or as Garry Trudeau put it back in the day, it’s egg frecklessource

13 Oct 2009 11:21


Culture: Ducktales sounds funnier when it’s translated into Arabic

  • It’s bizarre to think, being kids of the ’80s, that cartoon theme songs came in anything but English, but they did; and they got translated into all sorts of bizarre languages. Like this Ducktales theme song redux, which sounds hilarious. Holy Taco as a bunch more lost-in-translation moments where this came from.source

06 Jul 2009 23:17


Offbeat: i can haz bible?

  • An he was liek wtf? ur dead bruda iz mewin frum undr teh carpt. (Ceiling Cat haz totally xlnt hearing An stuf.)
  • An excerpt from Genesis 4 • according to the lolcat Bible Translation Project. The brains behind “I Can Haz Cheeseburger?” started the crowdsourcing scheme in July 2007 and so far have almost finished the Old and New Testaments. They haz lotsa time and cheeseburgers to do dis.  • source