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10 Nov 2009 10:19


U.S.: The Fort Hood community has dealt with mass murder before

  • George Hennard killed 23 people in 1991. It was the deadliest mass shooting in American history before the Virginia Tech shootings, and it happened right near Fort Hood 18 years ago. Hennard drove through the window of Luby’s Cafeteria in the nearby military town of Killeen, Texas, and shot up the town. He killed 23, injured another 20 and then killed himself. Yet, for some reason, this shooting hasn’t captured the public consciousness in the same way as Columbine or Virginia Tech. We’re sure it will now. source

05 Jul 2009 21:12


Culture: “Transformers” and “Ice Age” feel the box-office love equally

  • $42.5 million estimated for both bots and mammoths source

10 Apr 2009 15:40


U.S.: Getting your tubes tied is the recession medical procedure of choice

  • With a fairly inexpensive ($500-$1000) medical procedure that takes just 20 minutes, guys can prevent expensive new babies by getting a vasectomy. source
  • However, you should think it over before you do it – getting the tubes untied is a lengthy, expensive medical procedure that doesn’t work half the time. source