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22 Jun 2009 09:22


World: North Korea to U.S.: You shouldn’t ignore us. We got the bomb.

  • It is a grave mistake for the US to think it will not be hurt if it ignores this and ignites the fuse of war on the Korean Peninsula.
  • Commentary in Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of North Korea’s ruling Communist party • In an attempt to again scare the daylights out of the U.S. Obama has said that the U.S. is ready to defend itself in case, you know, North Korea makes good on any of these threats. In fact, we’re tracking a ship that may possibly contain weapons, in violation of North Korea’s sanctions. Ah, playing with fire. • source

13 May 2009 09:01


World: The Taliban makes a series of threats to Pakistan. Jerks.

  • The Taliban, in response to attacks on them, wants all Malakand Division-based Pakistani parliament members – both national and provincial – to resign from their posts in three days. source
  • “Otherwise,” threatened Muslim Khan to CNN, “we will arrest all their families,and we will destroy all their buildings.” Clearly, Khan has been taking advice on hostage negotiations from “Die Hard.” source

04 Apr 2009 11:45


Culture: Serious business: Demi Moore got a suicide threat Tweet

  • Her fans stepped in to intervene. Last night, Demi Moore received a tweet from someone threatening to kill themselves. One of Moore’s fans called (not tweeted) the authorities, who put the woman in the hospital for a 72-hour psychological evaluation. And Moore, Ashton Kutcher’s wife and uber-tweeter, apparently sent a message thanking her fans for responding so quickly to the tweet. Nice work guys! source

11 Feb 2009 10:46


U.S.: We’re assuming Obama wouldn’t have wanted this delivery

  • A man, with a rifle. At the U.S. Capitol. The man, Alfred Brock, 64, of Winnfield, Louisiana, had an unregistered firearm and a truck full of ammo. He drove up near the north barricade in front of the Capitol and said he had a delivery for the president. Yikes. It’s not the first time an incident like this has happened, either. source