- When overwrought commercialism goes wrong: So, we saw the movie Thor last week (didn’t terribly enjoy it), and amidst all the mythological melees and scowling Frost Giants, there was something that the good people at Acura wanted us to notice — that they are the official car brand of S.H.I.E.L.D., a monolithic government agency at play in the film. We didn’t notice this, as it happens, and perhaps to gin up some extra buzz, Acura produced these promotional “S.H.I.E.L.D. test kits,” a black box containing a bunch of toggle switches, nondescript liquids, and prominent use of the word “detonation.” You probably can see where this is headed. The FBI and ATF were called in to handle one such “kit” in a recent bomb scare in Ann Arbor, Michigan. source