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06 Dec 2010 21:05


Culture: Elizabeth Edwards somehow upbeat despite sobering prognosis

  • I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful.
  • Elizabeth Edwards • In a Facebook post where she talks about the spread of her cancer. She reportedly only has weeks to live. So, to remind you guys, this lady spent like a decade propping up John Edwards’ political career only to get dumped when she had cancer so the former vice presidential candidate to shack up with the mother of his out-of-wedlock baby? And now she’s going to die soon? How unkind is this world? The fact that she has a single positive bone left in her body, let alone the sincere heart shown here, is amazing. And John Edwards is a crappy human being who doesn’t deserve any of the success he’s had. (Sorry, we were angry. And now we’re very sad. We have a lot of respect for Elizabeth Edwards. You should too.) source