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13 Apr 2009 09:34


U.S.: “Frugal” is the word for how people will use tax refunds

  • 54% of people getting refunds plan to use them to pay off bills; that’s way up from a year ago source

01 Apr 2009 10:26


U.S.: Why it sucks to be a smoker nowadays

  • 62ยข increase per pack on cigarette taxes, starting today source

29 Mar 2009 11:43


U.S.: Live in New York? Make a lot of money? Hope you like taxes.

  • $300,000 or more income bracket that will be getting a big fat tax increase from New York state source

08 Jan 2009 09:49


U.S., World: Joe the conservative news correspondent

  • He’s not just a plumber anymore. Joe Wurzelbacher, the average guy who was so worried about his taxes that he called out Obama, will be headed to the middle east to cover the Israeli conflict for conservative Web site In other news, he has a publicist who promotes these stories. *forehead slap* source