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20 Dec 2010 20:22


U.S.: Which states stand to gain (and lose) the most from redistricting?

  • With a fresh Census coming out tomorrow, we all know what you’re worried about. That’s right, where are all the seats in the House gonna move? There’s 435 of them, and people don’t stay stationary their entire lives. So, who benefits this time around? Well, if we could put it into two words: The GOP. People in general are moving into areas that have long been Republican strongholds, while moving away from traditionally Democratic Rust Belt states. “The hands that are on the [computer] mouse will be much more Republican hands, presumably crafting much more Republican seats,” said Election Data Services president Kindall Brace, who put that better than we ever could. Anyway, you want specifics, so here are some specifics:
  • winners Texas is the big winner, and Florida and Arizona should also get multiple seats, too. Nearly every state in the South minus hurricane-ravaged Louisiana wins out. So does the Pacific Northwest.
  • losers States with legacy industrial centers in the Midwest, particularly Ohio (which will likely lose two seats) and Michigan. East-coasters lose out too, particularly New York and Massachusetts. source

23 Dec 2009 13:33


U.S.: With no housing boom, people are leaving Florida and other states

  • What we have is a decade of a roller coaster in terms of migration. If you look at the middle part of this decade, Florida led the country in net domestic migration. Now it’s in the negative part of the ledger.
  • Brookings Institution demographer William H. Frey • Discussing how states experiencing huge growth during the housing boom – specifically Florida, but a few others too – have had people leaving en masse after the financial crisis dried up housing. Despite this, there is some silver lining to be found – the numbers mean that these states will be eligible for more political representation after the 2010 census. source