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30 Jan 2012 14:56


Politics: Obama to take interview questions from YouTube, Google+

  • Maybe this is just a result of having been born in the 80s, but every time we hear the word “virtual,” regardless of the context, we always think of low-tech virtual reality gaming from the mid-90s (Dactyl Nightmare, anybody?). Here, we’re imagining a poorly-rendered 3D version of Obama, moving awkwardly against a cheap Oval Office background and glitching out every couple of seconds. Anyway, this “fully virtual interview” will focus on the content of the President’s State of the Union address, and will likely constitute the majority of Google+’s lifetime web traffic (don’t get us wrong; we love G+, but sometimes we feel like we’re the only ones). source

24 Jan 2012 10:50


Politics: Five things rumored to be on Obama’s State of the Union agenda tonight

  • one He’ll likely propose reforming taxes, ending the Bush tax cuts and raising taxes for the wealthy.
  • two He’ll likely make another push for the “Buffett Rule,” which would set a minimum tax rate for the super-rich.
  • three More tax breaks for big business, in an effort to encourage them to bring jobs back to the U.S.
  • four More job-training and education, largely meant for high school grads who want technical degrees.
  • five A renewed push to help refinance homeowners who are still struggling to make ends meet. source

26 Jan 2011 10:55


Politics: Video proof: Paul Ryan wasn’t red-eyed during SOTU response

  • The video quality here is fairly crystal-clear, and one big difference we noticed between what we saw between what we watched last night and the clip we saw today is that Ryan didn’t really need Visine. It was all bad lighting, guys. But there were other issues with the speech, as Dave Weigel makes clear at the link over here: source

25 Jan 2011 22:00


Politics: Earmarks: Obama promises to veto all pork

  • NO Obama won’t sign any bills with earmarks in ’em source

25 Jan 2011 21:53


Politics: Deficit: President calls for cutting more than just domestic spending

  • We have to stop pretending that cutting [annual domestic] spending alone will be enough. It won’t.
  • President Obama • Laying out his vision for taking a bite out of our deficit . source

25 Jan 2011 21:43


Politics: High-speed plans for building high-speed rail

  • 85% of Americans to have access to high-speed rail within 25 years source

25 Jan 2011 21:36


Politics: Education: Obama calls for extension of tuition tax credit

  • I ask Congress to go further, and make permanent our tuition tax credit – worth $10,000 for four years of college.
  • President Obama • Getting specific with education policy. source

25 Jan 2011 21:31


Politics: Obama lays out energy goals for the next couple of decades

  • 2015 one million electric vehicles on US roads
  • 2035 80% of US energy from clean energy sources source

25 Jan 2011 21:16


Politics: Obama gives bipartisan seating plan a shout out

  • What comes of this moment will be determined not by whether we can sit together tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow.
  • President Obama • Remarking on the bipartisan seating arrangement during the State of the Union. source

27 Jan 2010 21:09
