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28 Sep 2009 22:07


Tech: First Google Voice, now health care? Apple’s app bans get political

  • I feel like politicians already have a megaphone and Apple is making it worse instead of making it easier for a regular guy to get an application into the store.
  • iPhone app developer Red Daly • Describing his frustration with Apple declining his app iSinglePayer for political reasons. The app, which explained to people the benefits of a Canada-style health care system and gives those users ways to contact their representatives, was blocked by phone specifically because it pushed a political opinion. For Daly, he says it was defeating because he “went to the app store because I felt like I didn’t have much of a voice in other spheres.” Eventually, all these arbitrary bans are going to catch up with Apple. • source

18 Aug 2009 11:10


Politics: Slate columnist: Why the public option should stay on the table

  • Why is the public option so vitally important to health reform? At the broadest possible level, the public option is necessary simply because it’s impossible to identify a successful health system anywhere in the world based on a for-profit insurance model.
  • Slate columnist Timothy Noah • Discussing the weaknesses in health care reform that will show up if the public option is off the table. While Obama prefers having it, he’s shown wavering over the last week that makes it seem less-necessary than it once did. Noah puts it this way: “You can also think of the public option as a pressure valve. Without it, the government’s attempt to remake the health sector risks blowing itself to smithereens.” • source