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27 Mar 2009 22:13


Culture, Offbeat: Here’s our favorite parts of the ShamWow infomercial

  • “Made in Germany! You know the Germans always make good stuff.” source
  • “It just does the work! Why do you want to work twice as hard?” source
  • “Without putting any pressure, 50% of the cola, right there.” source
  • “It acts like a vacuum; and look at this; virtually dry on the bottom.” source
  • “This lasts ten years, this lasts a week!” source

27 Mar 2009 22:03


Culture, Offbeat: “Sham-oww! Stop biting my tongue, you crazy prostitute!”

Craziest story ever. This guy sells ShamWow towels on TV. He was with a prostitute. She tried biting off his tongue. Really. source