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21 Oct 2010 21:30


U.S.: Shock: Abstinence-only education doesn’t reduce teen pregnancy

  • 2.5% teen pregnancy rate in states with comprehensive sex education
  • 6.0% teen pregnancy rate in states with abstinence-only education. source
  • » So, who’s surprised by this? According to a new CDC study, if you want to prevent teens from getting pregnant, it’s better to educate them about birth control than to yell “DON’T HAVE SEX!” in their faces while pretending there’s no such thing as condoms. The study found that, of the five states with the highest teen pregnancy rates, all require teachers to stress abstinence during sex education. Conversely, states with the lowest teen pregnancy rates have none such requirement. It’s almost as if teenagers are going to have sex regardless of what their teachers tell them!