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13 Dec 2010 11:02


World: Unceremonious firing of the day: Iran’s foreign minister gets ditched

  • So let’s say you’re going to get fired today. There are many ways your bosses could do it, from pink slips to boardroom hatchet jobs. But none of them might be as bad as what happened to Manouchehr Mottaki today. See, Mottaki, Iran’s foreign minister, was in FREAKING SENEGAL doing his job when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad decided to drop the axe. And while Ahmadinejad has wanted to do this for a while, he hasn’t been able to thanks to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader. Yo, Mahmoud: At least bring him home first before you do the deed. You ain’t no George Clooney, and this ain’t no “Up In The Air.” source

04 Apr 2010 11:10


World: African Renaissance Monument: Have monuments jumped the shark?

  • We love monuments just as much as the next guy. But for some reason, this pet project out of Senegal leaves us with a cold feeling. It screams, “look at us!” And well, it looks less like a statement of boldness and more like an illustration out of a comic book. We admit it: We’re not easily impressed anymore. They should consider putting an iPad in it. source